Staking Claims: The Politics of Social Movements in Contemporary Rural India (Oxford University Press, 2016) By Uday Chandra
Oceanic Circularities: Mobile People and Connected Places in the Indian Ocean (Georgetown University Press, forthcoming) By Uday Chandra
Paul R. Brass, An Indian Political Life: Charan Singh and Congress Politics, 1937 to 1961 – Contemporary South Asia By Uday Chandra
Introduction, The Politics of Caste in West Bengal, edited by Uday Chandra, Kenneth Bo Nielsen, and Geir Heierstad (Routledge, 2015) By Uday Chandra
Adivasis in Contemporary India: Engagements with State, Non-State Actors and the Capitalist Economy,” Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India, edited by Knut A. Jacobsen, 297-310 (Routledge, 2015) By Uday Chandra
Staking Claims: The Politics of Social Movements in Contemporary Rural India, edited by Uday Chandra and Daniel Taghioff (Oxford University Press, 2016) By Uday Chandra