Maoism and the Masses: Critical Reflections on Revolutionary Praxis and Subaltern Agency,” Revolutionary Violence versus Democracy: Narratives from India, edited by Ajay Gudavarthy, 191-221 (Sage Publications, 2017) By Uday Chandra
Intimate Antagonisms: Adivasis and the State in Contemporary India,” Indigeneity on the Move: Varying Manifestations of a Contested Concept, edited by Eva Gerharz et al, 221-39 (Berghahn Books, 2017) By Uday Chandra
The Case for a Postcolonial Approach to the Study of Politics,” New Political Science, 35, 3 (2013): 479-491. By Uday Chandra
Liberalism and its Other: The Politics of Primitivism in Colonial and Postcolonial Indian Law,” Law & Society Review, 47, 1 (2013): 135-168. By Uday Chandra
Introduction: Selves and Society in Postcolonial India,” South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 7 (2013) By Uday Chandra
Going Primitive: The Ethics of Indigenous Rights Activism in Contemporary Jharkhand,” South Asia Multidisciplinary Academic Journal, 7 (2013) By Uday Chandra
Beyond Subalternity: Land, Community, and the State in Contemporary Jharkhand,” Contemporary South Asia, 21, 1 (2013): 52-61. By Uday Chandra
The Maoist Movement in Contemporary India, Social Movement Studies, 13, 3 (2014): 414-419. By Uday Chandra
Rashomon Revisited: Contending Narratives on a Gang Rape in West Bengal,” Economic & Political Weekly, 49, 17 (2014): 15-17. By Uday Chandra