Introduction, The Politics of Caste in West Bengal, edited by Uday Chandra, Kenneth Bo Nielsen, and Geir Heierstad (Routledge, 2015) By Uday Chandra
Adivasis in Contemporary India: Engagements with State, Non-State Actors and the Capitalist Economy,” Routledge Handbook of Contemporary India, edited by Knut A. Jacobsen, 297-310 (Routledge, 2015) By Uday Chandra
Staking Claims: The Politics of Social Movements in Contemporary Rural India, edited by Uday Chandra and Daniel Taghioff (Oxford University Press, 2016) By Uday Chandra
Maoism and the Masses: Critical Reflections on Revolutionary Praxis and Subaltern Agency,” Revolutionary Violence versus Democracy: Narratives from India, edited by Ajay Gudavarthy, 191-221 (Sage Publications, 2017) By Uday Chandra
Intimate Antagonisms: Adivasis and the State in Contemporary India,” Indigeneity on the Move: Varying Manifestations of a Contested Concept, edited by Eva Gerharz et al, 221-39 (Berghahn Books, 2017) By Uday Chandra
The 2014 National Elections from the Margins of Modern India,” Rise of Saffron Power: Reflections on Indian Politics, edited by Mujibur Rehman, 263-78 (Routledge, 2018). By Uday Chandra
Janu: Sister-Supervisor of Migrant Construction Workers,” Bombay Brokers, edited by Lisa Björkman, 101-108 (Duke University Press, 2021) By Uday Chandra
Kol, Coolie, Colonial Subject: A Secret History of Caste and the Making of Modern Bengal,” Caste in Bengal: Histories of Hierarchy, Exclusion, and Resistance, edited by Sekhar Bandyopadhyay and Tanika Sarkar, 399-418 (Permanent Black, 2022) [reprinted from The Politics of Caste in West Bengal, edited by Uday Chandra, Kenneth Bo Nielsen, and Geir Heierstad, 19-34 (Routledge, 2015)] By Uday Chandra
Introduction, Oceanic Circularities: Mobile People and Connected Places in the Indian Ocean, edited by Uday Chandra, Rogaia Abusharaf, Maurice Jackson, and Irene Ann Promodh (Georgetown University Press, forthcoming) By Uday Chandra