Paul R. Brass, An Indian Political Life: Charan Singh and Congress Politics, 1937 to 1961 – Contemporary South Asia By Uday Chandra
David Gellner (ed.), Varieties of Activist Experience: Civil Society in South Asia and Ethnic Activism and Civil Society in South Asia – Social Movement Studies By Uday Chandra
Alpa Shah, In the Shadows of the State: Indigenous Politics, Environmentalism, and Insurgency in Jharkhand, India – Journal of Peasant Studies By Uday Chandra
George Kunnath, Rebels from the Mud Houses: Dalits and the Making of the Maoist Revolution in Bihar – Journal of Agrarian Change By Uday Chandra
Lamia Karim, Microfinance and Its Discontents: Women in Debt in Bangladesh – Contemporary South Asia By Uday Chandra
Vibha Joshi, A Matter of Belief. Christian Conversion and Healing in North-East India – Social Anthropology By Uday Chandra
Angela Hobart and Bruce Kapferer (eds.), Contesting the State: The Dynamics of Resistance and Control – The Australian Journal of Anthropology By Uday Chandra